A breakdown in your brain’s ability ability to focus clearly and/or retrieve information at will.
Why Me:
Overwhelm. Whether we’re overwhelmed by toxins, emotions or excessive stimulation, the root of our issues with focus and memory is overwhelm. Chances are you have a sense of it, but you don’t know what to do about it. By recognizing that we’re in overwhelm we can make corrections and heal.
When to get help:
When you see your potential and want to experience it, we’re here to help.
" I'm happier, calmer, more stable, more focused, more energetic, healthier overall! So much better and happier - love it. Never been to any place like this before. Such interesting discoveries. So holisitic and so informative. Warm and supportive. I've basically been talking non-stop about this program and Dr. Beth non-stop to everyone - recommend everywhere I go!!!"
- Alicia Yoon