Well Within Soho

WHOLE HEALTH Chiropractic and Nutrition CENTER

Discover Wellness of SoHo exists to serve life. It stands for the truth that life and health are best expressed when the body is “tuned in” to its own natural intelligent force. Adjustments of the spine nurture the body toward wellness and greater life expression.

Discover a different approach to health – one that inspires trust in the amazing power within. Celebrate Life…Discover Chiropractic.



The thyroid gland manufactures and releases hormones that drive your metabolism – Energy is the end product of your metabolism, and a strong metabolism is essential for excellent health. Typical symptoms of a malfunctioning thyroid include: stubborn weight, dry, brittle hair, nails and skin, racing heart, cold hands and feet, and fatigue.

Why Me:

A dysfunctional thyroid is most often the result of diet by way of suppressing the immune system. It can be complicated by emotional stress, seen as energy stagnation through the body.

When to get help:

When you’re tired, frustrated, and would welcome some guidance to get back on track

Thyroid gland has decreased, and cough decreased. No pain in my abdomen and I have more energy. I feel optimistic and have less anxiety. No more shoulder or back pain. I feel centered.
— Nicole Burroughs

Well Within of Soho • 177 Prince St. New York, NY 10012 • 212-598-5995 • frontdesk@wellwithinsoho.com