Including but not limited to: acid reflux, indigestion, heartburn, nausea, bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, I.B.S., colitis, hemorrhoids
Why me:
Your lifestyle. Specifically nutritional deficiencies and compromised food.
When to get help:
When you’re looking to optimize your health, we’re here to help.
“What was it like before?
I lived in a constant state of stomach pain and always craved sweets. I couldn’t drink coffee or eat acidic foods without sharp pain in my upper right abdomen. I felt like I couldn’t lose weight. Had chronic eczema as well.”
What is it like now?
The pain in my upper right abdomen is gone. I can drink coffee every day and eat acidic foods without issues. I can also eat apples again without having an allergic reaction. My eczema is rare and pretty much gone. I also have more energy and feel clearer mentally.”